A devastating accident involving two tractor trailers and a sedan on the Florida Turnpike in Northwest Miami-Dade has tragically claimed the life of a woman and left another individual injured. This incident, which occurred near the I-95 interchange around 12:30 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2025, underscores the dangers of collisions involving large commercial vehicles…
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Truck accidents in Miami can have devastating consequences due to the size and weight of commercial trucks compared to passenger vehicles. When these accidents occur, determining fault is crucial for the victims seeking compensation for their injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. One of the most valuable tools in investigating truck accidents…
Continue reading ›If you’ve ever researched hiring a personal injury lawyer, you’ve likely come across the term “contingency fee.” Contingency fees play a pivotal role in personal injury law by providing access to legal services without the immediate financial burden of paying for a lawyer at the beginning and throughout the case. This makes justice more accessible…
Continue reading ›According to a recent study published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 293 motorists were killed in accidents involving large trucks in 2016. This was the highest number of fatalities over the course of five years, indicating that the number of serious truck accidents is on the rise. In today’s post, we will review five…
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